Parafest 2024

the events team made it to Parafest

For the first time we made it to Wales to Parafest, such a well organised event, Mark and the parafest crew worked very hard and put on a fantastic and safe event. when we got there the stands were just all setting up so gave us a good chance to sus it all out! We are not organised enough to camp but there was a fenced of disabled camping area and not one but two disabled loos!!!! – honored

The first day was a bit too windy so we watched these awesome big kites just floating first time i had seen them!

some of the trading tents at parafest24

While it was windy we had the chance to talk to the stall holders and schools which there where loads! It was good to see old and new faces

On the saturday although a bit windy during the day by early evening it died down and the flying was on! Suddenly dozens of paramotors appeared at launch. It was well organised but very very busy.

got a sneaky flght with the awesome paul @Parafest24

To explain take off field was a big field with pilots lining up preparing to fly, when ready they move to the line and the Take Off coordinator waves the green flag and the pilot goes, the pilots fly with a Parafest issued number (issued on display of BHPA membership/insurance) and if you break the rules or fly dangerously they pull your number. We only saw this happen once over the whole weekend!

I managed to grab a sneaky flight with the Awesome Paul, Thankyou Paul and I still owe you for the tank of juice! We also met up with a lovely pair of academics who are doing some research into flying and how it improves wellbeing. Pleased to say that one of the researchers got taken up in a tandem flight too!

And that’s a wrap Thankyou Mark and the Parafest team. We hope you put it on in 2025

and thats a wrap! parafest24