GBAR Flyabilty tandem day 23

After the success in 2022, the wonderful people at the Great British Aerotow Revival offered us a gap on one of their warm up days to get disabled people flying.

We managed to get four people up thanks to our very generous pilot Judy Leden and tug pilot Charlie. The forecast was changeable so we had a short window in the morning to get the early birds up in the sky.

After a rain-enforced break for refreshments and a briefing we were back out on the airfield to get in 2 more flights. Immediately after landing from the final flight the clouds closed in again!

As one of our passengers said “it was such a great experience! I could not get over that view! So so stunning. What an experience. We sure have a beautiful country and to see it from that perspective just loved that so much!”

Thank you from us to everyone at GBAR who helped to make this happen!